4 Basic Tips On How To Achieve Goals
The great philosopher Confucius once said, “When it’s obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.” How often have you given up on reaching a specific goal because the steps you took to
8 Qualities Successful Leaders Possess
It is essential for us to know what NOT to do when one's placed in a leadership position. Below, I outline the mistakes I’ve made within the past few months, and things I had to overcome to better myself in
How To Keep Your Drive And Passion Fresh
“How do you stay so driven?” It’s a question that CEOs, business owners, freelancers, and entrepreneurs hear a lot. Staying passionate even through the day to day grind can be difficult, but it’s not impossible. And it’s incredibly important if you
7 Ways To Increase Your Productivity
It seems like everyone is looking to be more productive these days. With work-life balance becoming an increasing priority, most people are looking to do more work in less time. Additionally, more people run businesses or creative ventures in their
How To Improve Your Sales Conversations
The common attitude toward sales shows that most people need to improve their sales conversations. Popular opinion views the salesperson in a rather unflattering light. They’re often seen as pushy, fast-talking scammers who care more about making money than helping